What Speedsters Lightning colour mean?

When accessing the Speed Force, speedsters can generate lightning/electricity from their bodies, most noticeably trailing their bodies as they run. The color of the lightning that is generated normally is indicative of the specific type of connection that a speedster has achieved with the Speed Force.

Yellow/Yellowish Orange

Yellow lightning is generated by speedsters with a pure or natural connection to the Speed Force. This is seen from Barry Allen, Jay Garrick, Jesse Quick and Wally West plus formerly Hunter Zolomon and Eliza Harmon.


Red lightning is strongly implied to be the result of an individual having a corrupted or negative connection to the Speed Force. This is supported by Eobard stating to have replicated the reaction that gave Barry his powers, yet claims the essence of his powers is the exact opposite to the Flash's. This is seen from Eobard Thawne and Edward Clariss. Also, speedsters such as Hunter who are taken by Time Wraiths into the Speed Force also have their lightning turned red.


Blue lightning generation is the result of an individual speedster who artificially develops/boosts a connection through a strong enough usage of the "Velocity". While greatly increasing the user's speed, it also comes with lethal/life-threatening side-effects as seen with speedsters like Hunter Zolomon and Eliza Harmon.


White lightning is uniquely generated by the original speedster and the self-proclaimed "God of Speed" Savitar. It is currently unknown the nature of his coloration is a result of his extraordinarily long and potent connection to the Speed Force.

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